Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Authentication categories

Authentication is a process of proving identity. Authentication can be classified into three categories:

• What you know
• What you have
• What you are

What you know is a type of authentication that based on knowledge that only knows by the authorized person or user. One of the examples is PIN or password. We need password to log in our accounts and password is a unique knowledge that only knows by our self.

What you have is a type of authentication that based on something that you have. A bit similar with what you know but the information is not stored into in your brain but a device that can be holding on your hand. A smart card, car keys or identity card are methods of authentication by what you have.

What you are is a type of authentication based on a person’s unique characteristic. For example, fingerprint, voice recognition and iris scan. Authentication by what you are can be an effective means of screening out impostors as it is not easy to duplicate human unique characteristics.

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